Aldershot Taekwon-Do was opened by Paul Adams back in 2001. The club was an immediate success and went from strength to strength, steadily building in numbers and making it's mark as a club with a very high standard. The club has produced many black belts with a fair few going on to represent England at international level.
Chief instructor Paul Adams, helped produce World and European champions when he spent several years as an England Team coach, finally stepping down to open a full time centre, in Alton, Hampshire, where he taught Taekwon-Do, Kickboxing and self-defence. The full-time centre is now closed, but Alton Taekwon-Do still continues to run, and is still very successful.
Aldershot Taekwon-Do have a dedicated number of asisstant instructors and teaching assistants who help run the classes and the club continues to work to a very high standard, whilst maintaining fun sessions. Our youngest students are four years old with our elderst in their sixties! Taekwon-Do is for everyone, so if you'd like to know more, do get in touch. We are a very friendly club and we'd love to hear from you.
Chief Instructor,
Paul Adams, 6th Dan.